Day 6 – Costa Rica

Day 6: 6/28/18

My Costa Rican journey has come to an end. I can honestly say it was one of the absolute best impulse decisions of my life. The sites and experiences were amazing, and while I played it safe to a large extent, my first international experience was well worth the growth I made.

I developed a new interest in photography on this trip. The idea was to take good pictures to bring back to paint, and I do intend to do just that. I look forward to having the time to sit back and go through all the pictures that I took, to see them on the screen bigger than an iPhone.

I discovered a new appreciation for the natural beauty in the world around me. I originally was only interested in seeing the animals, but I quickly found beauty in the landscapes and sceneries that spread before me.

I learned how it feels to be completely out of my comfort zone. I interacted with locals in both a safe and challenging environment, and developed an appreciation for those who are forced to do that every day. A new language was attempted, and through the successes and failures, I grew.

The whole purpose of this trip was to escape and to grow, to push myself to limits which I had never attempted, and the positives that came from doing so were life-altering. I read for pleasure. I wrote. I spoke in Spanish. I met people. It’s a great big world out there, and I truly believe humanity across the globe has more in common than it doesn’t. I can’t wait to see what lies for me to discover on my next adventure.

Costa Rica, you did more for me than you will ever know. For that, I am thankful. I want to come back and see you again, and I will. But first, I have some more growing to do. Pura Vida, Costa Rica! Muchas gracias.